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RWG Mobile app for iPhone and iPad

4.8 ( 8128 ratings )
Social Networking
Developer: RWG Mobile
Current version: 1.2, last update: 7 years ago
First release : 02 Sep 2016
App size: 34.23 Mb

RWG Mobile is a Pay-as-you-go mobile network and smart application that allows you to use your phone over any internet signal.

Our mobile app lets you have up to 4 additional numbers without the need for another phone. So that’s five in total. Wish you had a separate number for work? Sorted. Want to use a different number for travelling or shopping? Easy. How about a different number for your friends and your cariad? We’ve got that covered too. Make RWG Mobile work for you.

Our app integrates with the RWG Mobile SIM Card allowing you to top-up calls, texts and data with no fuss but you dont need to have a SIM Card to use the app.

Connect to Wi-Fi and make calls free of charge. That means you can stay connected with little or no mobile coverage.


Y rhwydwaith ffôn symudol i Gymru yw RWG. Rhedir gan bobl yng Nghymru, i bobl Cymru…lle bynnag yr ydych.

Ewch i gael pedwar rhif ychwanegol drwy eich ap RWG heb angen ffôn arall. Felly dyna gyfanswm o bump. A ydych yn dymuno cael rhif ar wahân i’r gwaith? Dim problem. Eisiau defnyddio rhif gwahanol ar gyfer teithio neu siopa? Hawdd. Beth am rif gwahanol ar gyfer eich cyfeillion a’ch cariad? Gallwn ofalu am hynny hefyd.

Cysylltwch ag Wi-Fi a gwnewch alwadau am ddim. Golyga hynny y gallwch gadw cysylltiad gydag ychydig neu ddim cwmpas symudol. Gyda 96% o Gymru yn awr â mynediad i fand-eang cyflym iawn, mae galwadau Wi-Fi hyd yn oed yn haws.


If you can’t find the answer to your query in our FAQ section, please contact our team on 01633 386 486 or send an email to [email protected].

Os ydych yn methu canfod yr ateb i’ch ymholiad yn ein hadran Cwestiynau Cyffredin, cysylltwch â’n tîm ar 01633 386 486 neu gyrrwch e-bost i [email protected].